Friday, August 29, 2014

Healthy Cookie Dough Alternative?!

I'm a sucker for cookie dough. what? 
I've had this alternative a couple of times before....not bad!
I actually use vanilla greek yogurt. Try it.
My daughter Lilah seemed to like it as well!
Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt
1/2 C. Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 Tbsp. honey
Pinch sea salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Mix everything in a bowl and enjoy!

Shakeology ice cream!

Shakeology ice cream?! Ummm, yes please!!
How many of you have used Shakeology in other recipes besides just your shake? A clever idea my husband does is put a scoop of vanilla Shakeology into a blueberry pancake mix and make them for our kids. I think they're probably the best pancakes I've ever had. They come out super fluffy and moist, try it! And our kids are eating something healthy for them.
We also love to make Shakeology energy bars. Super addicting and great for on the go snacks. I love them for dessert, too! We keep them in the freezer, yummmmm.
Think outside the box (or bag  ) get all of those nutrients and vitamins and add them to different foods. Check out some more recipes at

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Focus T25

I used to think I wasn't working out unless it was for an hour or more. That was the old me. Since becoming a mommy, I don't always have time to get in an hour workout, are you kidding me? That's why my favorite workout and go-to when I'm short on time is ‪#‎FocusT25‬! I still get the results I want, but in half the time (even less than that if you factor in driving to a gym!) It's not about working out longer, it's about effort. Focus! If you give it your all for 25 minutes and I can guarantee, you'll be loving your results too! (and saving the extra time!)
On today's schedule Rip't Circuit, here we go!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Motivation Monday

Hello Fitness beauties!! It's Motivation Monday! A Fresh week, a fresh day, and fresh start! My goodness do I need it! I've fallen so far off track! But you know what, I'm not going to beat myself up. I was enjoying vacation, summer, being with my kids and husband's time to get serious and kinda pull in the reigns a bit.
This time of year is very near and dear to me. It was one year ago that I started a little fitness workout called Insanity. I committed for a full 60 days and drank Shakeology......that's it. I wasn't even focusing on clean eating at that time either. It literally changed my life! I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. I was so afraid to commit and so afraid to spend the money to buy the program that I put it off. Man....the feeling of losing those pregnancy pounds was worth 10 times what I paid for Insanity...I would do it again in a heartbeat. Not only did it change my body but emotionally and mentally as well. It really made me want to go out and help others because I knew how good it felt to feel happy in my own skin so I wanted to pay it forward. Therefore, I became a coach!
A key success to my accomplishment was my support group and my success husband! Without him by my side, it would've been very hard to stay committed. I truly believe having an accountability group along with my husband as my workout partner helped me stay dedicated.
With that said, I am started my next group Sept 15. YOU pick the workout program AND you pick a WORKOUT PARTNER to do it with. We'll call it the END OF SUMMER KNOCKOUT challenge.
I want everyone to feel EMPOWERED and SEXY by the time the holidays come around.
If you are interested in being in my next challenge group, send me a message and I'll put you on the list. And we'll discuss what is the right program for you.
Some to consider:
~Focus T-25
~21 Day Fix
~Shakeology (yes, you can do just a Shakeology challenge) BONUS: Do both like I did!
~For the extra crazy
So....message all of your friends and see who wants to take on this challenge with you. Together, we can move mountains and look good while doing it! ;)LET'S DO THIS!!
Happy Monday!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tough Mudder - Tahoe

If you didn't know, I did the Tough Mudder race in Truckee, CA this past Saturday. This was my experience that I just posted to my timeline and wanted to share here.
2 days after Tough Mudder....still SORE!! Wow.....what an experience!! Definitely one of the hardest things I've ever been through. Not to mention I tweaked my MILE 2....and had to do the other 9 MILES with a hurt knee.
Now I've never had knee problems but holy cow, it felt like someone was stabbing me in the side of my knee every step I took. And the fact that the whole thing was either extremely uphill or extremely downhill made it excruciatingly painful and impossible.
BUT if I learned anything from Insanity, Beachbody, being in and leading support groups was to never give up! And I was thisclose to quitting about 10 times! My TEAM didn't let me down. Rachael Romero Robart and my husband Mikkel Dybvig both held my hand while struggling to even go down a simple hill while others jogged past us. Mikkel even carried me at times while people mumbled and snickered at me thinking that I was weak and couldn't make it. Which made me even more determined. I wasn't tired. In fact, I was impressed with the endurance I had!
Mile 8 and I was in tears from the pain. It made me mad and frustrated. I wanted to enjoy it and not wish it was over! But I'm stubborn and wanted that orange headband and beer
I think the last 3 miles all I kept saying was "Don't give up Don't give up, you're almost there, don't quit!"
I admit I had to skip the last couple of obstacles because at that point crossing the finish line was my ultimate goal.
We all held hands as we crossed and I hobbled across the finish line. Cheers, headbands, beers...yay!!! And then I cried.
Because I made it and didn't think I could. I wanted to give up and I didn't.
Will I do another one........ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I'll get back to you on that
But I'm glad I did it, I'm proud if myself for not quitting and it's something I will never forget doing. Check mark off the bucket list.
****Please, Never push through an injury, not recommended! ..and yes, my knee is still a bit tweaked so I think I'll rest for a week or so...I deserve it

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Meal Prep!

Hello friends! 
So tonight's dinner consisted of our famous (to us) turkey patties and lots of grilled chicken so we are ready to grab and eat throughout the week. 

We marinate our chicken first. Tonight we did a mango habinero, spicy garlic, and pesto garlic chicken. (3 kinds) And if that weren't enough we added in the turkey patties. 

Basically what we do (for the turkey patties) is use turkey meat and just add whatever we want to it. Our favorites include colorful peppers, (hot and sweet), onion, garlic, spinach, mushrooms, cilantro, parsley, and spices. Saute with some olive oil or coconut oil. Mix in with the turkey meat and add some egg and breadcrumbs for consistency. Grill.

We make a ton to last for a couple of days. Great for protein. And we've gotten to the point where we don't even use a bun anymore. Just add mustard or ketchup on top, maybe add some tomato and avocado.
Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

Any questions, ask away!