Saturday, August 2, 2014

Meal Prep!

Hello friends! 
So tonight's dinner consisted of our famous (to us) turkey patties and lots of grilled chicken so we are ready to grab and eat throughout the week. 

We marinate our chicken first. Tonight we did a mango habinero, spicy garlic, and pesto garlic chicken. (3 kinds) And if that weren't enough we added in the turkey patties. 

Basically what we do (for the turkey patties) is use turkey meat and just add whatever we want to it. Our favorites include colorful peppers, (hot and sweet), onion, garlic, spinach, mushrooms, cilantro, parsley, and spices. Saute with some olive oil or coconut oil. Mix in with the turkey meat and add some egg and breadcrumbs for consistency. Grill.

We make a ton to last for a couple of days. Great for protein. And we've gotten to the point where we don't even use a bun anymore. Just add mustard or ketchup on top, maybe add some tomato and avocado.
Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

Any questions, ask away!

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