I'm sitting here thinking, wow, this time last year I had just finished doing Insanity. I lost all of my baby weight (plus some) and I was 7 months postpartum. I never flexed before for a pic and my husband took this. It may not be much, but to me, never seeing muscles like that on my body, ever, and especially after just having a baby....well, it was awesome!!! And that was after 1 round of Insanity, a 60 day program.
Why am I telling you this? Well, there is about 12 weeks until Jan 1. That is enough time to do an entire fitness program! Seriously!
I really want to get a group of people together (where are my moms out there?!) and get a head start on New Year's resolution and fight through this holiday season without packing on the pounds.
You don't need a New Year to start and you don't need to stress about the holiday weight gain. Fight through it! And look good at all of those holiday parties
I'm teaming up with my other coaches and we have the new P90 group forming, a fight the holidays with the 21 day fix group, and a short on time and busy parent group with Focus T25 (my favorite).
If you are interested in joining one of these accountability and fitness support groups and want to make people envious that you got head start before the dreaded New-Year-lose-weight-resolution comes around, comment below, send me a private message or email me at cassdybvig@hotmail.
Team up with a friend or a spouse, that's even better! There's nothing like a little friendly competition, right Mikkel Dybvig? (aka husband)
I'm ready if you are, let's do this!